
Burger Butt - 2022
Burger Butt is a casual, side-scrolling, survival game where you dodge traps like lasers and missiles. How do you dodge? By sharting of course! you do all this while wearing silly hats and collecting coins to unlock even more hats!

Redneck Rift - 2022
Every problem can be solved with a shotgun and every solution can be celebrated with an ice cold beer.

An Egg Can Dream - 2020
Everyone has a dream, even an egg. Roll your way around to live out your dreams in a world where you don't always belong.

It's a Racing Game - 2019
This is a racing game. This is an ONLINE racing game. There are many games like it, but this one is mine.

Shit Storm - 2017
Your butt is lost in space. Dodge enemies and consume foods in order to survive but watch out because in space no one can hear you shit.

Focus - 2018
A game designed to increase your focus by making you tap the colour that matches the word on the screen.